Sega szykuje się do ogłoszenia gry. Remaster / remake Cosmic Smash z Dreamcasta nadchodzi ?
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News w formie minibloga. Wygląda na to, że Sega raczej nie ściemniała z tymi ,,wieloma remasterami i rimejkami szykowanymi na rok 2023'' (a przynajmniej mi się tak wydaje). Dzisiaj na ich Twitterze pojawił się tajemiczy GIF z ,,mrugającym okiem'' i z odnośnikiem z tykającym cyfrowym zegarem do ogłoszenia. Ujawnienie projektu już za 20 dni. Według plotek ma to być odświeżenie ... Cosmic Smash na VR. Spośród wszystkich gier od AM3 takich jak np. Daytona USA, czy Sega Rally, niebiescy wybrali akurat bardzo niszowe Cosmic Smash ... heh jak widać znowu Sega idzie po taniości i budżetowości, ale jak na pierwsze ogłoszenie w tym roku może być :/
Dla nieogarniętych w grach od Segi, w szczególności na Dreamcasta: Cosmic Smash to gra arcade stworzona na konsolę Dreamcast i automaty w Japoni, trochę podobne do Rez Infinite. Informacje na temat gameplay'u z Wikipedii (bo nie chce mi się tłumaczyć):
The game is set in a bus or subway-style system, where each stage is a named "stop" on the line. There is an overall time limit, and each stage completion adds bonus time to that time limit. Both the starting time limit and the bonus time can be adjusted. In the Dreamcast version, the first seven stages of every playthrough are the same, starting at station 707 ("Welcome"), and advancing by 10 (717, 727, etc.) to station 777 ("Nami"). After these opening stages, the line splits into two, and the player can choose to go left or right at this and all other forks along the line. The game ends when the player runs out of time, or when they reach a special stage at the "end of the line." Depending on the route chosen at each fork, each completed playthrough of Cosmic Smash can have a different number of stages. The player can choose to go directly to the end of the line, or choose a more winding path with more difficulty with the chance for more points.
Each stage is the same every playthrough, allowing experienced players to plan a route and shot selection to either maximize their high score or clear each stage as quickly as possible in a speedrun style playthrough. The player must clear all target tiles on each stage to proceed. Target tiles may move in a specified pattern on certain stages. There are also walls and moving tiles in some stages, requiring the player to bounce shots off of the side, top, or bottom walls of the play area to navigate around.
Target tiles may deflect the ball back to the player, as in "Breakout," though some tiles will allow the ball to pass through unobstructed, as in the "Breakthru" variant of the same game. In addition to 'standard' shots, the player can charge a 'trick shot,' combining them with the joystick to set up elaborate, athletic, and powerful shots. The drawback to trick shots are not just in the charge time to swing—while charging, the game timer ticks down faster than normal. However, trick shots will "breakthru" target tiles that standard shots cannot, and the different physics of trick shots allow the player to attack the board from differing angles.
The Hi-score table stores the top 20 scores. Points are awarded after each stage based on the number of tiles cleared, the type of shot used to finish a stage, and how long the player takes to clear the stage. The Dreamcast version also produces a unique code at the end of each playthrough, directing the player to enter the code at a now defunct website at the official Cosmic Smash website to be entered into a worldwide leaderboard (though on console, the game was only released in Japan). A similar third-party leaderboard was available at the website Solvalou, but has also since become defunct. At last update, the highest score on the third-party leaderboard was a two-way way of 590,678,903—both entries by an English player named "Alex" with a listed age of 11. The top three scores on the leaderboard are almost ten times the total of the fourth place score of 60,018,465.
Ogłoszenie odświeżenia tej gry idealnie pasowałoby do budżetowej Segi robienia odśieżeń gier jak najmniejszym kosztem. Szczerze mówiąc, nawet ja wielki nerd Segi pierwszy raz słyszę o tej grze, nawet nazwy tej gry PPE mi nie wyszukuje :D Dałbym tej grze szansę, ale niestety jeśli plotki się potwierdzą i będzie to gra tylko VR, to sobie nie pogram, bo nie mam VR. Niemniej doceniam starania Segi w odkopaniu takiej ,,perełki'' ...